Thursday, October 29, 2009


GOD works through those who have willing hearts and truly love HIM. It doesn't matter how much education we have or if we lack qualifications...GOD is able and all we have to do is trust HIM and obey. Where would GOD have you serve HIM? Is there a need in your church in Children's Ministry? Our young people need us to step up so they can hear the truth about JESUS CHRIST ! We need to serve the LORD where HE would place us and trust that HE will enable us where HE does place us. If I sound preachy it is because I have a heart for the young. GOD put me in a position to teach HIS WORD. I am far from qualified! I have trusted GOD'S strength and enabling. I rely on HIS HOLY SPIRIT and HIS WORD. The world isn't searching for CHRIST...the children are hungry for HIM and GOD'S WORD. They need to hear about the ONE who loves them so much that HE came and died for them so they could always be with HIM forever. Pray and ask GOD for direction. Pray and ask GOD where HE would want you to serve. HE is faithful to answer your prayers and enable you to serve HIM with excellence. HE loves you! Where is the greatest need in your church? Trust GOD and step forward in faith and share CHRIST where you can. I pray that we all will be bold witnesses for JESUS!


  1. What a blessing you are my dear.

    Thank You so much for sharing with all of us!

    Love & Prayers,

  2. You truly inspire and encourage. What a blessing!

    In His service~

  3. What a positive, Christ-filled message! Thank you for being such a great source of encouragement!

  4. What a blessing to read your love for GOD. Perfect post... GOD and The Power Of Prayer Are Awesome. Many Blessings,
