Thursday, September 24, 2009


This world is turning away from JESUS more and more and we need to be praying! Every news story reveals a need for CHRIST. The world in general does not seek HIM...just as in the time HE was here on earth their are those who choose to reject HIM. JESUS seeks to save us and we turn away.......Prayer is the only answer we have....fervent...sincere prayer! Our world is lost and in serious need of a SAVIOR. They don't know what they are doing. They seek their own way and are heading for eternal seperation from GOD. This is serious! My prayer is that we would begin to pray for our country and our world! JESUS is coming back! HE promised this to us! JESUS is faithful to keep HIS promises! What shall we do until HE returns? How will we answer HIM if HE asks about those HE has placed in our path and didn't hear the gospel from us? How will we explain our silence? This world needs a SAVIOR! JESUS CHRIST is the only way to be saved! If we know this and believe this then we have a obligation to share CHRIST with everyone that GOD places in our path! GOD'S WORD says that whoever believes in JESUS will be saved! So let us share HIM with others today! Pray that GOD will give you the courage and the words...HIS words! There is no time to waste! Share JESUS with someone today!